We Are Tomodachi Spring / Summer 2019

“Izumo soba noodles are different from normal soba noodles, because the buckwheat seeds are milled together with their husks, giving the noodles a darker appearance and a deeper fl avor.”Iquiene loves the natural scenery in Izumo. One of her favorite spots is Cape Hinomisaki, and the wonderful view of the sunset over the Sea of Japan.The JET Programme official websitehttp://jetprogramme.org/en/so warm and kind,” says Iquiene, and adds with a laugh, “Old ladies are especially friendly and full of hugs, just like they are back in Rio!” Iquiene’s eyes are shining as she talks about her strong interest in local culture, particularly for summer festivals and for kagura: a sacred ritual of music and dance which is dedicated to the gods. “It’s probably my Brazilian blood that gets me so excited by festivals and dancing,” she says. Iquiene is also a big fan of soba buckwheat noodles, an Izumo specialty. On her day off, she visits local soba noodle restaurants, and often cooks soba noodles for herself at home. Recently, Izumo City has seen an influx of Brazilian citizens who are working for Japanese companies. As a result, Iquiene has been able to assist as a Portuguese and Japanese language interpreter at her local city office. Many local Japanese would like to get to know their Brazilian neighbors better, too, and Iquiene speaks passionately about her desire to help bring both groups together. “In the future,” she says, “I want to become a bridge between Japan and Brazil by teaching the Japanese language to Brazilians, and teaching Portuguese to Japanese. My biggest joy is knowing my efforts benefit both Japanese and Brazilians.” About theJapan Exchange and Teaching (JET) ProgrammeAbout theThe JET Programme began inJapanese Exchange and 1987 with the goal of promotingTeaching (JET) Programmegrassroots internationalexchange between Japan andother nations, and is now one ofthe world’s largest internationalexchange programs.JET participants are placedin every region of Japan andwork in one of three positions:assistant language teachers (ALTs),coordinators for internationalrelations (CIRs), or sportsexchange advisors (SEAs).In 2018, the JET Programmewelcomed 5,528 participants,and currently there aremore than 68,000 alumnifrom 73 countries living in allparts of the world.

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