We Are Tomodachi Spring / Summer 2019

Our objective is to become “The magnitude of space debris problem is staggering. Currently there are about 900,000 objects 1cm (0.4 inches) or larger, and about 100 million objects 1mm (0.04 inches) or larger.Astroscale has several bases overseas, including an Operations and Control Center in Harwell, United Kingdom. Okada embraces his leadership role, interacting effectively with the local teams.UNITED KINGDOMJAPANUNITED STATES OFSINGAPORE AMERICA26will increasingly cross each other’s orbits,” Okada said. “The National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) of the United States and several other international space organizations have made simulation studies and found that if we continue our irresponsible attitude to space debris, sooner or later a threshold will be reached, after which the development and utilization of Earth’s orbital environment may become impossible.” Astroscale has devised a new method remove debris by capturing objects with a magnet mounted on Astroscale’s satellite, which then brings the debris to a lower orbit where it will burn up as it reenters the atmosphere. out is amazingly difficult. “Consider, for example, when the International Space Station (ISS) docks with a spaceship,” Okada explained. “They can use markers to It sounds simple, but carrying it GRASSROOTS AMBASSADOR ‘space sweepers’ and get rid of space debris,” says Mitsunobu Okada, Founder and CEO of Astroscale with a smile. As the development of outer space takes another leap forward with the participation of private corporations, debris—primarily the remnants of satellites and rockets—is becoming a serious obstacle. Japanese Individuals Contributing Worldwide Some pieces of debris are the size of a double-decker bus, orbiting at a speed of 7-8km/sec, or twenty to thirty times faster than a rifle bullet. If a piece of debris collided with any of the approximately 1,400 working satellites, it would be rendered useless. “Although the probability is low, collisions have already occurred, and in the near future, satellites Space debris threatens our use of outer space.A Japanese entrepreneur proposes to solve it with his own technology.A Japanese Entrepreneur Tackles the Problem of Space Debris

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