We Are Tomodachi Autumn 2018

Friends of JapanUwajima Castle, built in 1601, is one of only 12 original castles in Japan.Despite the heavy rain disaster that occurred in July in western Japan, the tourist facilities such as Kiya Ryokan were unaffected. The inn continues to delight tourists with warm hospitality and its Meiji Period charm. 34Prefecture. This ryokan (traditional Japanese inn), founded in 1911, during the Meiji Period, was loved by literary giants and statesmen early in its history. Although it had closed its doors due to obsolescence, it reopened in 2012 through the concerted efforts of local volunteers and creative experts. from Poland Having moved to Germany, Greb was raised in Freiburg, and became attracted to Japanese culture at the age of 11. Karate lessons were followed by an increasing fascination with the spiritual culture of Japan, including bushido and other arts. Later he had an opportunity to study in Matsuyama, which is a sister city of Freiburg, followed some years later by a working holiday in Japan. Learning tea ceremony, and other skills, he was increasingly drawn to traditional culture, and felt a sense of loss at the disappearance of well-constructed in swordsmanship, old-style Japanese buildings as they were pulled down one after another. About this time, he heard that the Kiya Ryokan was hiring staff and applied without hesitation. “I knew nothing about the hotel business, but I knew that showing traditional Japanese hospitality is the most important thing, so I just keep giving my best.” Nowadays hospitality tends to be mixed with services that entail separate charges, but hospitality is really about making a guest feel comfortable, which intrinsically does not relate to a fee schedule, as Greb is keen to point out. Some time ago, an elderly lady in Uwajima had invited him to her home, where tokonoma (alcove) was decorated with flowers from her yard. She served him a home-cooked meal of vegetables grown in her garden, simple but straight from the heart, which impressed Greb as authentic hospitality. “Avoiding the REPUBLIC OF POLANDREPUBLIC OF POLANDJAPANGRASSROOTS AMBASSADOR ake a look at the ceiling. Clear acrylic panels have been installed, so now you can see from the ground floor all the way up to the arrangement of the roof beams.” The explanation fluent Japanese is given by Bartholomeus Greb, a Pole who serves as the sales and marketing manager of the Kiya Ryokan in Uwajima City, Ehime Uwajima is a stunningly scenic town in Shikoku.Our guide to a revived historic inn is a Pole who loves Japanese culture. Through his eyes, we find new charms in Uwajima.Conveying Local Charmwith Warm Hospitality“T

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