We Are Tomodachi Autumn 2018

PANTRAITS OF JAROP新潟24From mother to daughters: the 175-year-old tradition of Hasegawa Shuzo, a sake brewery in Nagaoka City, is being passed down to the future. Niigata Prefecture’s Uonuma City is home to the Koshihikari variety of rice, Japan’s most popular. Blessed with such rice and clear mountain water, it is little surprise that this region is also famous throughout Japan for its sake. There are as many as 90 breweries in Niigata producing its characteristically dry but silky tasting sake. In recent times, a growing number of smooth sake brewers are helping to give sake a new appeal and promote it to the world. Facing the Sea of Japan, Niigata Prefecture, watered by clean mountain streams, offers quality food, cultural beauty and history as an industrial pioneerNiigata’s rice and water make an elegant Japanese sakeNiigata’s Proud Tradition

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