We Are Tomodachi Summer 2018

14PORTR AITS O F JA PAN長崎熊本Relics of a HiddenChristian Pastin the Nagasaki RegionRemnants of a OnceFlourishing ChristianCommunitySakitsu is a fishing village in Amakusa, Kumamoto, wheremissionaries succeeded in converting the majority of thepopulation in 1569. During the ban, these Hidden Christiansbegan to incorporate elements of Buddhism and Shinto intotheir worship. After the shogunate ended the prohibition, theSakitsu Church enjoyed a renaissance. The church’s uniquetatami flooring is a testimony to its ability to incorporateChristianity into local tradition.One of the 12 components of the sites: Sakitsu Village in Amakusa City, Kumamoto Prefecture.

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