We Are Tomodachi Japan and Russia Edition 2018

6(1) Extending healthy life expectancies(2) Developing comfortable and clean cities easy to reside and live in(3) Fundamental expansion of medium-sized and small companies’ exchange and cooperation(4) Energy(5) Promoting industrial diversification and enhancing productivity in Russia(6) Developing industries and export bases in the Far East(7) Cooperation on cutting-edge technologies(8) Fundamental expansion of people-to-people interactionThe “Sayuri” greenhouse farming facility, constructed in the cold-climate city of Yakutsk through Japan-Russia technical collaboration. The greenhouse is making it possible for fresh vegetables to be grown all year round.The Eight-Point Cooperation Plan first discussed during the 2016 Japan-Russia Summit Meeting will provide mutual economic and cultural benefits to both countries. The plan has become a regular topic of discussion during Japanese-Russian leadership and cabinet official summits. The Eight-Point Cooperation PlanThe Eight-Point Cooperation Plan proposed by Prime Minister Abe at the May 2016 Japan-Russia Summit Meeting is a concrete plan to unleash the potential of the highly promising Japan-Russia relationship. The plan will bring direct benefits to people’s daily lives in Russia in such fields as medication and healthcare and their living environments, and also promote exchange between regions, in sports, and among young people. One of the Eight-Point Cooperation Plan’s objectives is to generate as many opportunities for direct interactions between the people of Japan and Russia as possible. The intent is for such interactions to enable the citizens of both countries to personally experience the benefits of the expansion of the relationship between Japan and Russia as a result of the cooperation plan. Roughly two years have passed since the cooperation plan was proposed, and the active efforts of Japanese and Russian entrepreneurs are bearing fruit: More than 100 written agreements at the private-sector level have been signed at present, of which about 40% are moving towards realization. One after another, concrete results are materializing that will make the lives of the Russian people more comfortable and enjoyable.Improving Lives in Russia through the Eight-Point Cooperation Plan

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