We Are Tomodachi Winter 2018

4Because the islands of Japan stretch far from north to south, the average temperature in February differs by as much as 26°C (46.8°F) between Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido and Ishigaki Island in Okinawa. While snow may be falling on a freezing day on Shiretoko Peninsula, Ishigaki Island in the south is warm enough for flowers to bloom.Winter : Gleaming White and Emerald Glow ThisisJapanIn the coldest depths of winter, the mountain peaks running through the center of Shiretoko Peninsula become covered with snow, and drift ice floating in from the Sea of Okhotsk arrives in the surrounding waters. With its dramatic range of changing expressions, Shiretoko became registered as a World Natural Heritage site in 2005. The grand panorama of Shiretoko Mountain Range HokkaidoPhotographed in February

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