We Are Tomodachi Japan and Russia Edition 2017

10The current generation of university students will build the future, and student exchange between Japan and Russia is increasing. During bilateral talks with President Putin on the occasion of Prime Minister Abe’s visit to Moscow in 2013, the two heads of state discussed improving exchange between young people from their countries and vowed to further expand opportunities for such exchange. Exchange between Japanese and Russian students has increased in response, with Japan currently hosting 684 students from Russia (as of May 1, 2016) and having sent 573 to Russia in 2015. The number of exchange agreements between universities in both countries has already reached 381 (as of 2014).At their meeting in Nagato City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, in December 2016, the two nations’ leaders also agreed upon further expanding exchange between universities, among youths, and in sports, along with stimulating regional exchange and using such cooperation to continue to improve relations between Japan and Russia. Prime Minister Abe used the opportunity to propose a “radical expansion of interpersonal exchange” as part of the eight-point cooperation plan. An exchange project planned for September between the cities of Kobe and Yekaterinburg is part of this effort.Kobe is an international harbor city located in the Kansai region. Mayor Kizo Hisamoto explains with regard to the current project, “The port town of Kobe has been open to the rest of the world for a long time, actively strengthening international exchange, including exchange of an economic nature. As part of the government’s plan to bolster interpersonal exchange between Japan Encouraging Exchange between Young People for a Better FutureKobe Gakuin University conducts a unique form of exchange based on subcultures. Lively events for exchange between Japanese and Russian students were held in Moscow in 2015, and in Kobe in 2016.Hyogo Pref.Osaka CityTokyoKobe City

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