We Are Tomodachi New Year 2016

231. Young people trained as counselors with JCCP support interact with conflict victims in a Kenyan slum.2. A Pulitzer Prize–winning photograph taken at a camp for Rwandan refugees in Zaire. Seeing this photo as a high school student made Seya aspire to a career in peacebuilding activities.3. Seya took this photo in Afghanistan while serving as a DDR specialist at the Japanese embassy. Many people told her they would cooperate with her disarmament activities because Japan is an impartial country.Graduated from the Faculty of Policy Studies at Chuo University in Tokyo and completed her master’s degree in conflict resolution at the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom. Has conducted peacebuilding activities in conflict zones around the world, including Rwanda, Afghanistan, and Sierra Leone, working as part of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, as a diplomat at Japanese foreign missions, and as an employee of the Japan Center for Conflict Prevention. She continues these activities now as president of JCCP.Rumiko Seya123



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